Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tips on getting best web development services on The Gold Coast

There are a lot of web development companies on The Gold Coast, which is understandable because there are a lot of companies that need good web design here.

It’s not so easy to find the web design company that’s right for you, so this article will give some tips to consider to help you find the best web development services for you on The Gold Coast:

·       Check their social media presence

When you look at a web design company’s social media presence it will give you a good indication of where they are at and what they are capable of. They should be represented well across most relevant platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and others. See the way they market their company and look for innovative ideas.

They should have a references and reviews from satisfied customers that you can reach through their social media connection to get the goods first hand

·       Check their past work

Are their designs mobile, responsive and clear, do you get a good feeling and a sense of this is what you want for your site. Go through their portfolio and see what they have done for others and if they can come up with original ideas

·       Are they using the latest relevant technologies?

Is their design team up with the latest on what’s happening in web design and the trends, you need a wed design that’s adaptable to change as trends are just that and some fade quickly?

·       Do they understand internet marketing

Your web design needs to follow internet marketing rules and be able to attract visitors then convert them to paying customers, so SEO and the best internet marketing practices as they relate to good web development on The Gold Coast are important

·       Take a good look at their website

Is their website user friendly, uncluttered and super easy to understand.

Does it make you want to be one of their clients?

Do they treat the clients well?

Will you be able to talk face to face with the designers and will they take an interest in your particular company or not?

·       Problem solving skills

You need to understand how they will go about selecting your web design and about their problem solving skills. They need to show you a positive and creative energy side and that they have good team work and problem solving skills

·        Personalities do matter

Can you talk freely with them about what you want or do they have the attitude they always know best and expect you to just agree with them. Are they results driven, or do they demand a large down payment with vague promises of giving you the best ever website

Finding the best web development company on Gold Coast is not a matter of chance, you need to do your homework carefully check through and see what each development company can offer you within your budget.


Friday, November 13, 2020

How good web designing on your website improves its speed

A business’s website is much more than just a presence, or place you have on the internet. Having a fantastic proactive web design on Gold Coast is vital to your business’s survival.

Your website represents your business identity and provides potential customers with their first impression of your business and what they can expect from your company and dealing or associating with you. Having a good high speed web design and high performing website can make or break a business.

If your website appears unprofessional or is slow loading you will not be able to attract visitors and have the opportunity of turning them into customers. The real challenge of having a viable internet website is in finding an affordable web design company on The Gold Coast who will give you a cost-effective and profitable return on your investment with them.

Some of the aspects of good web design that improves its loading speed are:

Every aspect of your web design influences you loading speed and search engine rankings so it’s vital to follow the SEO best practice suggestions while designing websites

The vast majority of web searches are now made using smartphones, in fact, Google algorithm’s are set to favour websites that are mobile optimised and streamlined for fast loading speeds

What is web speed?

There are two aspects of web speed, page speed and site speed, but they are both important!

Page speed is either the time it takes for a page to load and be completely displayed or the time for the first byte of information from the server.

The distinction is important because Google (it’s believed) measures the speed or loading time of the first byte to find a page speed for ranking purposes.

Search engines are allocated a time or crawl budget for crawling sites. So if your page speed is slow they may not pick up vital information from your site that could impact your indexation and relevancy

Good web design encompasses such things as 

Compression of images and files

Optimizing your JavaScript and HTML by removing all unnecessary characters, unused code and comments

Optimise all images, ensuring they are in the correct format and compressed

Reducing or eliminating page redirects

Remove any render-blocking JavaScript, so your page does not have stop loading to deal with it, increasing loading times

Leverage browser caching so your visitor’s return to your site they don’t need to reload the whole page

Improve your server response time by removing bottlenecks and a lack of adequate memory

Creating good web design on The Gold Coast is part science, part knowledge, part experience and part an art form. It’s no longer practical or cost-effective for most people to attempt to create their own web design as a poor web design will give poor results and coupled with a slow loading speed is a recipe for financial disaster.

When you are looking for good web design on The Gold Coast it’s important you use a local web designer with a proven track record who understands how important it is for your web site and content to have fast loading speeds and to be instantly visually appealing to your visitors. Your web presence is your business showroom and gives your visitors their first impressions of your integrity and competence.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

What is the importance of having a good web designing in a website?

 Having a great web design services in Gold Coast is critical, a well designed website is like having a well designed shop. If your shop is not attractive and welcoming, clean and tidy, many potential customers will not enter, it’s the same with a website.

There are hundreds of websites in every niche; your potential customers will pick the one that looks the best to them. This is the first hurdle, but then you need to show them instantly your site can solve their problems. It’s extremely important that your web design is absolutely the best design possible. If you skip on this you might as well look for another way of making a living as all your competitors will be trying to have the very best web design in Gold Coast and you can’t afford for your website to be second rate.

It’s all about your customer’s experience

Your main priority should be to show visitors in the simplest and most appealing way possible with a good web design that you can satisfy their questions. People react to visuals, the more humorous or interesting the better the reaction, they love to be entertained and will judge your company and branding on the feelings they get in the first instances upon arriving on your website.

Unless you are very good at web design and up with the latest trends, web design should be left to a professional web designer who knows what appeals to your particular target audience.

A blink of an eye or about 50 milliseconds is all it takes for someone to assess your site and decide if it’s worth their time or bounce to the next. That’s not enough time to check anything, read anything or click on anything, they are accessing is your visual design.

So what is good web design

When using the English language to put an idea across, there are rules of grammar, spelling and punctuality to make your writing sound and feel attractive. With good web design, the language used is shapes, tones, colors, sizes and effects that are a language that web designers learn from the teachings of psychology and science as well as experience. People are drawn to good design and inherently react well to good design and reject bad design. This is the reason why it’s so important to find a professional to do your web designing in Gold Coast.


Once a visitor decides they like a web design they will access the site’s usability and how easy it is to find what they are looking for. This part of good web design encourages them to stay and investigate the site further. If they find the design of your site’s navigation easy and can quickly find what they are looking for they are likely to stay or come back.

If your design is good enough to amuse, entertain or provide valuable information then you’re likely to have a gained a regular visitor to your site.

Good web designing done on website attracts visitors and then guides your visitors to where you want them to go in a way that they find enjoyable, acceptable and convinces them to trust your brand and become a regular visitor because you’re providing them with the things they want.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

5 Common Web designing mistakes & how to avoid them

Web design on The Gold Coast is becoming more complicated as visitors become more selective with the sites they visit.

It’s vital for your business that you avoid the following common web design mistakes:

·        Too busy

If your visitor finds a site’s too busy, can’t find what they want in a blink of an eye, they’re likely to bounce to another less congested site. Things like unrelated images, different typefaces, mismatched colour palettes and strange themes all make a site very busy and too hard to relate to.

15 years ago, websites tried to show as much content on their front page as possible to attract people, but now with super fast loading speeds and thousands of competing websites a minimalist approach works best as most people will not bother to search a sit, they want it to be very obvious as soon as they arrive on a site that they have found the answer to their problem right there.

·        Not Busy enough

Minimalism is now very popular, but that does not mean a website is simple. Too little information and being cryptic, relying on imagery and expecting people to guess or search will result in your visitors leaving very quickly.

Remove any non-relevant clutter and make sure your visitors can see your branding, the purpose of your website and a solution to their search at a glance

·        No Call to Action

Having a poor or even nonexistent call to action on your website is a common web design mistake. Once you have lured a visitor to your site and interested them enough to stay long enough to absorb the information you’re giving them, you need to convert that interest into action.

This is usually the whole point of your website, you want them to act and become a paying customer, so you need to give them the means right there and right then while they are interested.

You should have already given them enough information so they know what they will gain by acting so don’t make it complicated, make it very easy for them to act now


Unless an image or statement is attractive and highly relevant it should not be on your website as it can become a negative distraction taking the attention from the points you’re trying to make.

Imagery must be highly relevant and convey the prime message of your site, it can replace boring text, if done properly and tastefully

·        Bad Navigation

Having bad navigation will turn off most visitors instantly

If visitors need to move around your site or go to a different page, ensure your navigation is super-clear and easy to use and super fast

·        Not Mobile Friendly

Many sites are still not mobile friendly which is a huge, huge mistake as over half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices.

If your website is not clear on all devices, then you need to have a better web design on The Gold Coast without delay as you’re losing customers

·        Bad Content

Keep the content on your site original, current, of high value, concise and precise

To have good web design on Gold Coast you need to reduce clutter, have a clear message, a strong call to action and a simple to understand site with easy navigation and provide your contact details

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Common Mistakes People make while designing Mobile Apps

 Since smartphones and other handheld internet devices were invented, life has become simplified for many people and at the same time it has created a massive new industry, the Mobile Apps Industry, an extremely lucrative industry for those involved.

If you wish to avoid the common mistakes while designing apps then you must contact good web designing & development company which provides the best services of web design in gold coast. Consider these ideas from them to prevent you making design mistakes:

Ensure the app meets user expectations

It’s not easy to attract visitors to your app. site and when you do get visitors, it’s vital that the first impression they have, which happens in an instant, is very positive.

Don’t complicate thing and blur the issues, most users expect a brief welcome message so make it very quick and super friendly with a brief description of how the app will benefit them and any other uses for it.

Make any sign in or sign ups simple and straight forward with only an email address and name or social media login options, allowing users to log in using only their social media profiles.

Pick the most Relevant Platforms

Many internet marketers try and use all platforms at once to spread their message as far and wide as possible, while this is good in theory, in practice, it’s better to spend the time researching your preferred audience and finding which social media they use and spend your resources making you’re offering the best app for use on that particular platform

Ensure your app displays logically and systematically

An app needs to be arranged in a logical and Normal way to ensure users are not confused. Every step needs to appear normal and necessary for them to complete so they can extract the information they require with the least amount of fuss and effort

Don’t overdo the Features

Make sure you only have very relevant features on your app as users will reject apps with redundant, obsolete or unnecessary features. Include the feature that makes you app unique and appealing and stand out from the rest. It’s better to done feature well than attempt to cover too much in one app

Use images as visual clues

Images help visitors to understand instructions and see at a glance that your app is appropriate for their needs. Try and use conventional designs as people don’t generally like changes they have to figure out, but include written text for clarification and to complementing any graphics


When developing apps understand that it’s work in progress and constantly in need of modification and updating so you need to be consistent and release updates on time to ensure your app’s performance and is error free

Test, Test, Test

Your app needs to work on all types of devices and screen sizes, so test to make sure the app works perfectly and is easy to use on all devices

There are always a whole range of web design and app development opportunities on The Gold Coast that you can take advantage of. The trick is to capitalize on areas that seem to be missing an appropriate app in your chosen niche and then create relevant easy to use apps that fill those gaps and help people easily find what they are looking for while quickly overcoming their problems 

Monday, July 13, 2020

How to choose the best web designing services in Gold Coast

Finding the best web design services on The Gold Coast is not an easy task, There are a number of factors that you need to take into account, so we would like to share some of our tips on choosing the best web design company on The Gold Coast to suit your needs.

Launching a well designed and targeted full marketing campaign is the best strategy to help you build you internet marketing business successfully, but unless you are a competent web master, it’s better left to a qualified and experienced web design company.

Things about a web design company you should look for:

A Strong Media Presence

A good way to see how a web design service behaves is to take a critical look at their social media presence. They should have a very strong and user friendly, interactive presence on a variety of platforms such as Facebook, linkedin, Instagram and others so they are very well represented, but do not offend by being pussy or in peoples face.

Check out how they interact with people to see if you get a feeling of value and informed entertainment from them or not. Today people are always looking for the personal touch that makes them feel a business is going to really look after them, not a sterile pile of information that tells you how wonderful they are.

Reputations Matter

Check out reviews from different companies especially those that give contact details so you can get to communicate with people who have benefited from their services. Most people are very happy to recommend and talk about a web design company that has helped place them in a good marketing position. They are also usually eager to let you know about bad experiences, so you need to contact those who have had positive results.

Check Their Previous Projects

Go through their portfolio to see if they have worked on any similar projects to yours as well as those that are very different, to get a feel for their style. Reject any company that gives package designs that cover a lot of different projects as you need something unique.

Ask the web design companies on The Gold Coast you approach how they will create a unique and totally original design for you and your brand. They should reply that they first need to take an in-depth look at your business, find out what you wish to achieve and where you want your company to head.


The cost of marketing your company is important and no one like to waste money so you need to be sure you will get value for the money you invest in web design.

Look for a web design company on The Gold Coast that is results driven not profit driven. They should not demand a large upfront fee.

Good Web design on Gold Coast and marketing costs money and takes time, so it’s important to understand that the money you spend on good web design is an investment in your business’s future and profitability, so it’s vital to budget properly and spend wisely. Check their social media platforms and reviews as well as their portfolio of satisfied clients and look for originality.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Top Things to consider while taking web development services on The Gold Coast

Most people in business now realize that it’s vital they have a healthy web presence, but few understand just what this entails. When you want to use a web development service on Gold Coast there are a few things you need to consider;

· Not all services are the same

If you were to make a quick search on the internet for a web development service you would find there hundreds of startup companies and individuals who are claiming to be experts and can do wonders for your business and internet search ratings. The sad fact is, most of them are only going to take your money and do very little to help you

So how do you find the right web development company on The gold Coast that will really deliver the goods help you:

The first thing you need to do is work out exactly what you want a web development company to do for you. Just expecting them to make you succeed and suddenly become an overnight success is like playing lotto, and probably just as likely to happen.

You need to have some good questions that require good answers and factual backing, not well possibly, maybe stuff.

Know what you want

Web development is much more than just having your details on the net so potential customers will find you

Web Development is building a unique proactive interface where customers are drawn in and become interested in working with you and links them to your products

Web development is about building your branding

Web development is about providing a service your potential customers really do want, not what you think they want, but what they think they want

Web development is about building an irresistible site where visitors get a large amount of value just from visiting. They receive entertainment, emotional satisfaction and useful information

The Cost Factor

We all know that money is tight and times are hard, but the reality is you need to be investing in your business future and spend the maximum amount you can on good business investment and absolutely nothing on things that show little or no return.

Focus less on how much a web design company on The Gold Coast and its team are costing you and more on what they are offering and how they plan on delivering.

Look at:

· The quality of website or the products they’re offering

· A web development company that has heavy investments in the latest appropriate tool will seek only clients where they can get commensurate returns

· Look at what they have done for other clients

· Seek a results driven web development company, your results, not their bank account results

Good web design takes time to develop and plan, instant formulas are for AdSense and paid advertising, not for building a lasting and profitable web presence

Web development on The Gold Coast is all about having a partnership with a development company where you both have input and both take responsibility with good communication and cooperation and constant testing and quality control. So consider finding a web development company with these qualities and a firm commitment to your future is vital.


Saturday, May 30, 2020

Where can we get the best web design services in Brisbane?

Most modern businesses today operate in the physical world as well as the cyber world of the internet. In order to be really successful, a business not only needs a web presence, but it needs its web content to be totally visible to its potential customers. This is why it is so important to find the best web design services in Brisbane.

Coming in second best does not cut the grade in internet marketing as most internet users now demand to land on sites that are totally user friendly when searching the net. They need to be fast loading and highly relevant to the subject of their search.

A website has only a few seconds to capture the interest of a visitor and show them that by staying on the site they will receive value for the time they spend and get the answers to their particular set of problems. If a visitor is not impressed after a few seconds they will just jump to another site, but if you manage to capture their attention for more than 30 seconds, you have a very high chance of gaining a paying customer or at least a regular visitor.

Web Design Sites

There are now hundreds of web design websites on the internet. They offer services that are from free, to relatively expensive, but they all have similar themes and templates that you have to follow. This results in thousands of very similar websites all claiming to be the best and all offering the same or very similar products or services making it very hard for any website to stand out.

The Search Is Over

You can spend hours searching through different web design sites and never find anything that is as easy as they claim or any different from the others, but now there is a new web design service in Brisbane.

Accentuate IT Web Services are truly unique in that they have a different approach to web design.

Before you sign up they will give you a free digital presence consultation. This is so that they are aware of where your internet presence is and allows them to formulate a strategy to build a web presence that will drive people to your site and bring in new customers to generate a healthy income.

Their team of dedicated and highly trained technicians will build a unique and totally original website for you based on three main things

1. Your business is unique and you require a site that matches your vision of what your brand is all about

2. Your site needs to be innovative and 100 per cent user friendly

3. Your whole internet presence needs to be search engine optimised as well as being optimised for local mobile internet users


At Accentuate IT. Web Design all the web content they create, including your main website, landing or lead in pages, blogs and Social media campaigns are 100 per cent SEO. They are devoted to making a website that not only looks fantastic, but one that really works for you and places your business ahead of the rest