Sunday, April 18, 2021

What is the importance of web designing in SEO

There is a train of thought in the web design space now about the relationship between web design and SEO when you are developing your SEO strategy. For a long time, the process was slanted more heavily to SEO heavy content with the design of the website being almost secondary. But to be fair there is a sweet spot between web design and SEO that will see your site performing better in the rankings.

Good user experience

This can be as simple as making your website easy to read and navigate. There is no point having the world best content if it is difficult to read or the information is hard to find. For far too long content on websites has been keyword rich unreadable trash, sure the SEO algorithms used to love that stuff, but the consumer didn’t. Finding the perfect blend of quality content that is also SEO friendly is where you should be looking to be. Content that increases engagement and user experience is going to improve your rankings considerably. 

Content is king and that isn’t only the written word, great custom images and video also play a huge role in the design of your website. In the world of digital marketing first impressions are everything, if your site is looking old and tired then users are less likely to navigate your site or even return back to it. Once you get you desired customer to your website you need to keep them there for as long as possible, if you keep in mind the importance of good collaboration between web design and SEO your website will start to perform better. The team at Accentuate are expert in the web design in Gold Coast and are passionate about making your website reach its potential.

Mobile Friendly Design

Reports have recently discovered that more than half the people that visit your website will do so with a mobile phone or tablet. It’s imperative that you web design is mobile friendly as having a site that loads slowly or poorly on a mobile device could annoy many people that are visiting it. Since 2017 Google introduced mobile indexing and the importance to Google of a mobile friendly site is huge. If your site is getting a high bounce rate due to it loading slowly or not functioning properly on a mobile device could see your rankings plummet.

Website Speed

The speed that your website loads will have a huge effect on the performance of your website. The standard expected load time for a website is around 2 seconds anything longer than that will more than likely see an increase in bounce rate. If your bounce rate increases Google will see this and your rankings will suffer. This is even more important in the mobile experience where customer is even more impatient. If the speed of your site makes it difficult for Google to crawl your pages, then you will see that less pages on your website will be indexed and your ranking will drop.

The marriage between web design and SEO is an important one to the performance of your website and finding that sweet spot is important. These three points are only the tip of the iceberg but if you are looking for web design on Gold Coast look no further than Accentuate.

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